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Yearly Registration is Required

All clients are required to register at their first visit of each year and supply to us the following information.


Please Bring:


​1. One form of proof of residency within the River Valley School District, this can be a Driver's License, State ID, or a recent electric or heat bill that has the address on it showing residency within the school district.​

2. The number of people in your family household.

Download Registration Form


2025 Online Registration Form

Welcome to the Community Food Pantry of Spring Green!  We are glad that you have come and we hope that we will be able to help you with some of your needs. Today, you can help us by sharing needed information about you and your family.

You can fill out this form online or receive a paper form on a distribution day.

This information will be kept confidential.​

You may be interviewed by a food pantry volunteer from time to time so that we may better determine the type of assistance that would be most beneficial to you and your family.  Because we serve so many in the community, there are guidelines that we use to help assure everyone is treated fairly, equally and with respect.  Alcoholic beverages may not be be brought to or used at the food pantry.  Anyone at the food pantry under the influence of alcohol or other drugs will be asked to leave by means other than driving.  We will notify the authorities of anyone driving away from the food pantry under the influence.  All food distributed by the food pantry is for the food pantry clients, their families and dependents listed above and may not be sold or traded to others.  Those choosing to violate this guidelines will not be served by the the pantry in the future.


I agree that the above information is true and correct.   Any deliberate falsification disqualifies me from receiving assistance.  I release the food pantry and any indiivdual from any liability for damages of any kind resulting from the exchange of information relating to identity, financial status, residence, or any other assistance provided.  I also agree to provide proof of identification, financial status, and residential inforamtion, should that be deemed necessary to verify my applcation.






PO Box 6

Spring Green, WI 53588

608 459 5512



608 459 5512


151 E Bossard St

Spring Green, WI 53588

608 459 5512


The Community Food Pantry of Spring Green is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization,

and your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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